Rainy Day Thoughts

Crinkled Paper and Tears
The Mystery Woman
The Mystery Woman
Anticipating an impending storm, I linger inside an empty café and ask for another cup of green tea. My mind is racing. I can't capture a coherent thought. Memories of better days battle with present turmoil and future possibilities. All attempts to stop the revolving tape are useless - but I continue to try. Fortunately, a woman pacing frantically outside distracts me from sinking deeper into a senseless rut.
She enters through the side door and selects a booth hidden in the corner. Facing me, she stares at a crinkled piece of paper, and tears roll down her cheeks. The waitress brings her an espresso and immediately backs away. Could this scene have been staged? For sure, she is a regular customer.
All my woes disappear as I visually embrace the woman across the room. At first, I did not notice the crumpled plastic bags and one small suitcase crammed under her table. But once I do, I can't help wondering about her story. Who is she, where is she from, and to where is she running? Or is she at peace here? I will never know.
Could it be she calls this shabby café - home?
The sun breaks through the dark clouds, and I leave all internal battles behind as I exit. My walk home is slow and solemn.
Comments on this post (2)
Once again your observations and thoughts arouse anyone’s curiosity. When the story of her life is revealed only she will understand, especially since she will be holding the pen.
— Keith A Jones
Another reflective story and drawing, written and painted from your heart. ❤️
— Muffy