A Soldier's Poem

From a Boy to a Man
Love for his Country
In searching for information, I found two mementos that are relevant today. One a listing of Dad's high school graduation speech, "Is Democracy Doomed?" And the other was a poem/letter Dad wrote to his grandparents in 1943. He left Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) to proudly serve his country as a lieutenant in the army during World War II. On August 24, 1945, he returned home and completed his education.
Thank God no one can say to me
"Do this or that, or else you'll see
The party's wrath and pent up fury."
Thank God for my America
Where terror and hysteria
Play no part in one's existence
And a man's a man at any distance.
Where liberty and freedom ring.
Where every man's allowed to sing
His thoughts aloud into the world.
Where the "stars and stripes" wave unfurled.
And where no man can rule the other -
Where rich and poor are like a brother.
Thank God I am allowed to see
A land of free equality
Each morning as I arise
And gaze into the far-flung skies.
Thank God that I can proudly say,
"America is mine -- today!"
There is no more to write, so I shall close hoping you and Grandpa are well and are getting benefit and enjoyment out of your stay in the South.
A Proud Member of The Greatest Generation
Robert Harris Levine
Comments on this post (6)
thanks for sharing this letter from our father. You absolutely express yourself so much like him…YOU are your father’s daughter….you have so many wonderful traits he had. Sharing this letter is so relevant especially living in the land of the free where others are waking up to say ME TOO!…We all deserve to be treated with honor and respect despite who we are….that is what America is suppose to symbolize….FREEdom! … love Carolyn
— Carolyn
How special that you have these wonderful letters. We can certainly appreciate his question about democracy being doomed.
— Muffy Lutzin
Thanks for sharing. What an incredible and heart felt letter.
— Rick
WOW! I never knew about this letter/poem. So true today and what we have forgotten about the land of the free. I do hope we can awaken to remember as a country. Thanks for sharing. Love you.❤️
— Marilyn
What a blessing to have this from your Dad. Thank you for sharing this. You obviously got your talent for writing from this sweet father. Love, Betty xo
— Betty Rickenbacker
Thanks Deb for sharing this
— Natalie