Portals Exhibition

Doors Open and Doors Close
An Artist's Introspection
Jennie McGuire, a mixed media artist from Nova Scotia, returns to Chiang Mai, Thailand to exhibit a new collection of work. At home or traveling, Jennie courageously explores her inner world through art.
Her solo exhibition, Portals, at The Meeting Room Art Café meticulously unravels and portrays a personal journey exposing new insights - many captured in a 6" x 6" format: a combination of paintings, collages, and image transfers. In addition, her handmade books are fascinating works of art. The execution of each piece entices one to delve deeper into her process and appreciate the tiniest of details.
Portals by Jennie McGuire
An entrance, a gateway, a threshold.
But the word also conjures up a cross-over, a new awareness, the
quest for the unknown, a deeper understanding of the self.
Our lives are a series of Portals which we pass through whether we are
ready or not.
The power we have is the choice to hang on, or to let go of the things
buoying us up, or weighing us down.
Passing through a Portal is ultimately a courageous act.
Below is my journey through the exhibition as seen "Through My Lens"
Collage of Details
Collage of Details
Collage of Details
Collage of Details
Detail of a Detail
Exhibition: Portals
Artist: Jennie McGuire | Tirnanog Studio
Place: The Meeting Room Art Café
Dates: February 7 - 27, 2019
Life is about exploration - Doors Open and Doors Close
Jennie, I thank you for inviting us into your private world and having the courage to expose your heart and soul.
Congratulations on another exhibition well executed!
Comments on this post (1)
I love Jennie’s work. It gives a sense of the beauty and
yet a sense of the darks and lights of our existence. Very moving, and expressed with great colour and insight.
— Sheila Barrett